During Covid lockdown, in common with many other charitable and voluntary organisations, we managed to keep going with online meetings and (more recently) with the occasional gathering in temporary premises in Deal, but for an organisation whose main purpose is to support men and their families following a diagnosis of prostate cancer there is nothing really to take the place of group meetings on a face to face basis. This is why we were pleased to report that for our first meeting of 2023 we were able to meet at The Old Gate Inn, 162-164 New Dover Road, Canterbury CT11 3EL, We were pleased to welcome some new faces and our grateful thanks are due to that hostelry. We are still hoping fairly soon to be able to return to our original home at Kent & Canterbury Hospital. Our next meeting will be on 22nd February, where the guest speaker will be Annmarie Frenchum, Macmillan Engagement Lead, followed by our AGM on the 26th April. Visitors (of both sexes!) are always welcome to our monthly meetings and any change of venue will (hopefully) be shown on this website.
Looking back, 2022 turned out to be a year of some incredibly generous donations from organisations all over Kent, and among those were the following:
Another fundraising busk in Deal’s High Street from that town’s Ukulele Rollers which realised £632, National Westminster Bank Deal, Dover & Folkestone raised £122 from their “in-branch support”, and the following Masonic Lodges continued with their generosity: Prince Edwins Lodge, Hythe £100, St.George Abadan Lodge, Chatham £500, Pattison Lodge, Hythe £2000 so far towards the purchase of a uro-flow machine and Jubilee Lodge, North Kent, £2364 on the closure of that Lodge. We are still receiving requests for funding towards much-needed specialist equipment in Kent hospitals, but we usually have to wait for approval from the various hospitals’ Procurement Teams.
January 2023 Update
Jan 29, 2023 | PCSA Kent - News