Aug 12, 2020 | PCSA Kent - News
In June PCSA Kent presented a bladder scanner to the Kent Oncology Centre in Maidstone. Pictured above are Dr Edwards with MacMillan urology radiographers Geraint Rees and Sara Hodgkinson.
Feb 28, 2020 | PCSA Kent - News
Members of the darts team at the Market Inn, Faversham are pictured above presenting a cheque for £500 to PCSA Kent. We would like to thank the league winning team for choosing our charity for their very generous donation. All monies donated will go towards helping...
Feb 5, 2020 | PCSA Kent - News
PCSA Kent has donated a specialist medical chair for perineal prostate biopsies to the urology department at Kent and Canterbury hospital. Perineal prostate biopsy is a safer and more accurate procedure than traditional trans-rectal biopsy. It reduces the risk of...
Jan 19, 2020 | PCSA Kent - News
On Friday 17th January members of PCSA Kent gathered at the Victoria Hotel in Canterbury for a post Christmas celebration. It was a very convivial evening and the hotel provided a splendid meal which was much appreciated by everyone.
Dec 8, 2019 | PCSA Kent - News
Wishing all members and supporters of PCSA Kent a Happy Christmas and New Year. Pictured above is the PCSA Kent Christmas tree which was displayed this weekend at Trinity Church, Deal in the annual Christmas Tree Fair. Thanks to Graham and Hessie Edwards for...
Aug 7, 2019 | PCSA Kent - News
PCSA Kent was well represented at a cancer awareness day at Herne Bay pier on Saturday 3rd August. Pictured above are members Pat, Terry and Jean, they are certainly having a great time and enjoying the sunshine, all for a good cause. Our thanks to all members and...